CIA's Mind-Bending Project: Gateway Experience
Imagine someone sitting quietly in a dark room. He closes his eyes, and with the power of his mind alone, he can visualize the exact location of a nuclear sub hidden in the ocean thousands of miles away. Can a human being possess such ability? During the Cold War, the US government received a classified report saying that the KGB and the Soviet military had been pouring money into parapsychological research, such as ESP, remote viewing, and psychokinesis. Such programs started as far back as the 1920s, and Soviet scientists had already perfected their application for espionage purposes. Fear of missing out prompted the U.S. Army and the CIA to set up their own psychic research programs immediately. The American public was left in the dark until the CIA declassified this information decades later.
One of these reports is called the Gateway Process—a training system designed to help you transcend the limit of spacetime by using … wait for it … meditation. Superpowers! How? The basis of 'Gateway Experience' comes from research conducted by Robert Monroe, a radio broadcasting executive whose book popularized the term 'out-of-body experience.' To understand Monroe’s technique, we first need to understand brainwaves. The brain is an electrochemical organ. Brainwaves are oscillating electrical voltages in the brain, measuring just a few millionths of a volt. These oscillations are the product of billions of neurons communicating with each other through electrical currents. When humans are wide awake, the brain functions at a beta frequency, and when they are asleep, the brain functions at the theta frequency.
In the 1950s, Monroe discovered that listening to specific sound patterns can influence the state of human consciousness, such as alertness, sleepiness, and an expanded state of consciousness. While experimenting, Monroe found that using a special technique, he could stimulate brain functions until the left and right hemispheres were synchronized. This is called hemi-sync. When hemi-sync is achieved, the human subject enters an altered state of consciousness similar to being hypnotized or in a deep meditative state. This is the Gateway experience. In this state, human subjects experience a state of calm, lowered blood pressure, altered state of consciousness, and, sometimes, an out-of-body experience. Some people receive symbols and display astonishing flashes of holistic intuition. Many people describe the Gateway experience as a spiritual experience.
What may be surprising is that you don’t need Monroe’s tapes to achieve this altered state of consciousness. For thousands of years, gurus, sages, and Taoist masters have been using transcendental meditation to achieve the Gateway experience themselves. Whoa, whoa, whoa—hold on a minute. This doesn’t sound too scientific. Exactly how does meditation help you transcend spacetime? The author of the CIA report, US Army Lieutenant Colonel Wayne McDonnell, has some very interesting theories about the nature of our consciousness and the universe. All matter is made up of energy. What we know as solid matter, in the strict sense, doesn’t really exist. Our universe is simply one complex energy field. This complex energy field forms a giant, unbelievably complex 3D hologram that we call real life. McDonnell describes this hologram as a torus, a pattern remarkably similar to the pattern of electrons around the nucleus of an atom. He named it the Cosmic Egg.
Back to frequencies, we learned earlier that human consciousness functions like waves bouncing between two rigid points of rest. Without these limits, there would be no oscillation. Theoretically, if human consciousness wave patterns reach a high enough frequency, it sets the stage for the perception of a non-time-space dimension because of a principle known as Planck’s Distance. Quantum mechanics theorizes that if a distance could be less than Planck’s Distance, which is 10 to the power of –33 centimeters, we would enter a new world. When the speed of the oscillation drops below 10 to the power of –33 centimeters per second, just for an infinitesimally brief instant, the conscious energy clicks out of time-space and joins infinity. Human consciousness passes through the looking glass of time-space into a dimension we cannot perceive.
Robert Monroe died in 1995, but his Monroe Institute is still around. Today, they are helping people create meaningful and joyful lives through the guided exploration of consciousness. In recent years, a growing body of neuroscience research has shown that mindfulness meditation can change the structure of your brain, rewiring your brain for better attention and control of your emotions. So why wait? Try some meditation today and open the door to a whole new dimension!